
Sony Didn’t Have a Clever Mirrorless Plan to Fool Canon and Nikon

Long-time Sony executive Shigeki Ishizuka recently gave an interview in which he candidly spoke about early developments in the imaging division and how the flip to mirrorless was part of a longer-term plan to unsettle the camera market. Was this really a clever strategy or a re-writing of history to fit the narrative?

Are Photography Conventions Still Relevant?

The alarm on my phone sounds at 4 am. For a few bleary seconds I think, this can’t be right…but then it hits me: I have a plane to catch. Not only me, but my wife, our four kids, and my mother-in-law need to cram ourselves and all our bags into the minivan and be on the road by 4:45 am. We are headed to St. Louis for my last photography conference of the year: Shutterfest.

Canon Cadabra

Canon Jumps Into NFTs, Building a Digital Art Market Called Cadabra

Canon USA has announced the development of Cadabra, a curated photography marketplace for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The Cadabra marketplace will "empower creators by connecting them to enthusiastic collectors who celebrate the art of photography through a shared appreciation for these digital artworks," explains Canon.

Canon’s Strategic Plan Looks to Dominance and Expansion

What Canon says and does is important to the camera industry because it is so dominant across large swathes of the sector. And as a publicly listed company, it is required to publish both its financial results and business strategy going forward. Canon recently updated its medium-term strategy, so where does it see itself in five years' time? In one word: dominant. More importantly, what does this say about the future for everyone else?

DPReview Archive Team

To Save its Content, Archive Team is Attempting to Back Up All of DPReview

Following yesterday's news that DPReview is shutting down, photographers around the web began wondering what would happen to its huge library of articles, reviews, and camera test images, including the website's excellent studio shot comparison tool. Archive Team aims to scrape more than 4 million articles and posts within the next three weeks.


DPReview is Shutting Down

DPReview, easily one of the most beloved publications among photography enthusiasts, will shut down and its content will be deleted. The website was caught up in the recent layoffs that hit Amazon and it will cease operations on April 10.

A Guide to Third-Party Chinese Lens Brands

Lenses are big business: while we have seen the value of camera shipments nose-dive year-on-year, lens value has slowly increased and is now equal to about a third of the camera market. It's for this reason that third-party manufacturers have increased their stake in this market and particularly at the low-cost end where Chinese manufacturers proliferate. Who are these companies and what does their appearance presage in terms of the camera market as a whole?

2022 Was Officially the Year of the Mirrorless Camera

Camera manufacturers have long told us that the future was mirrorless and - as if there was any doubt - Canon and Nikon even joined the party as far back as 2018, yet compact cameras and DSLRs have stubbornly refused to die. With 2022 well and truly over, we can now safely say that it was the year of the mirrorless camera and this marks some profound changes across the board for the industry as a whole.