
A.I. Imagery Is Not Photography, It Never Will Be

We've all seen the images surfacing online of portraits with seven fingers on one hand and two left feet. Recently, the internet has been inundated by imagery coming from prompted artificial intelligence programs such as Midjourney, Jasper, and DALL-E. The world has been captivated by the potential these new neural networks bring to the creative space.

Why Film Photography is the Antithesis of AI Art

The camera is a reasonably recent image-creation tool; compared to millennia of paintings, drawings, carvings, and illustrations, we have only a few hundred years of photographs and photographic development. What photography offers compared to those ancient arts is (relative) immediacy and accuracy.

Human vs AI: Who’s Better at Turning Marcel Proust’s Words into Photos?

In July of 2022, my partner Annabelle Matter and I traveled to Normandy, France, to shoot a project for the weekly Le Figaro Magazine that we’d been researching for months: translating into photographs a text by French writer Marcel Proust, renowned for his highly detailed and soulful descriptions.