
Unusual Adapter Places a Polarizing Filter Between Lens and Sensor

While originally launched in 2017, Fotodiox created a line of lens adapters for modern and vintage SLR lenses it calls Polar Throttle adapters that have a built-in polarizing filter. The design allows multiple lenses to be adapted to a single mirrorless camera without needing different sized filters.

Review: Zeiss 55mm f/1.4 Otus, Beauty and a Beast

The Zeiss Otus is easily the biggest DSLR 55mm currently available. I say currently, because I'm sure in some lab in the depths of upper Siberia a technician made a 50mm the size of a small child, just because. But the Otus shouldn't surprise us, Zeiss will never shy away from the pursuit of image quality at the expensive of "convenience."

Quick and Informative Intro to SLR Lenses for Beginners

The world of camera lenses can be a bit daunting when you first start out, and so a videographer and photographer have joined forces to put together a fun (and funny) introduction to all the basic lens options, what they do, and what situations you might use them in.